I am Brian D. (BD) Handspicker. I am an International executive with 20+ years of business and engineering management experience in enterprise, Internet and wireless software industries. As a respected motivational leader I attract and lead stellar corporate teams. I’ve managed internationally distributed groups up to 100 direct and indirect contributors with multi-million dollar operating budgets. As a business and technical architect I develop successful enterprise and start-up business plans, product plans and product-line architectures. I consistently deliver projects under budget and under schedule, including enterprise-class software on less than $250,000 that formed the basis for a $10MM company valuation. I’ve closed Fortune 500 sales, including with Caterpillar and Microsoft. I’ve led definition of new industry standards with Digital, Microsoft, HP and IBM. I’ve forged global consortia and strategic alliances, including demonstrating potential of secure web applications with HP and Caterpillar. I’ve changed industries to open opportunities for new products and hobble the competition.
If this sounds terribly serious and formal, it is because as an independent consultant I am constantly marketing myself for new consulting opportunities. I am also open to challenging full-time opportunities. If you wish to know more about my career and background, check out my website at bd.handspicker.net.
If you wish to know a little more about the man behind the business facade, check out my simple personal page at bd.handspicker.net/personal.html.